Monday, October 26, 2009

Muscle Spasm

Ever had a painful, annoying twitch in your muscle and wondered what could be the cause.

Muscle Spasm: persistent involuntary hyper tonicity of one or more muscles usually of central origin and commonly associated with pain and excessive irritability.

A muscle spasm commonly lasts 4 to 5 days.

Muscles that are in spasm produce too much lactic acid: a waste product from the chemical reaction inside muscle cells. When muscles contract, the small blood vessels traveling through the muscles are pinched off (like a tube being pinched between your thumb and forefinger), which causes a build up of lactic acid. If the muscle cells cannot relax and too much lactic acid builds up, it is sometimes described as a painful burning or twitching sensation. Massage therapy encourages the muscle to relax which opens up the blood vessels, and the lactic acid is eventually washed away by fresh blood flowing into the muscle.

Definition - Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc. spasm.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Healthy Workplace Month Challenge

With every turn is a new road and our family at Fruition is ready for each new turn. As we journey together we are excited about what lies ahead. This month we have decided to have a little fun, recharge and support each other in a

Healthy Workplace Month Challenge!

Our idea is to explore different components of our lives and how we keep "Feeling Great". Each week is presented with a new focus. With each new week we will challenge our mind, our body and add an additional new idea to incorporate into our working environment.

Week One- October 5-11
Feeling Great at Work

pay a compliment to a colleague
count your compliments

enjoy a crock pot meal day
try reiki / massage

take back the lunch break
get to know a colleague on a lunch break walk

 Week Two- October 12-18
Feeling Great with Family and Friends

organize a family and friends scavenger hunt
Thanksgiving family and friends picnic day

a plan to get fit
add a little fun to leaf raking, pile them up and jump!

show off your family and friends
(have a place at the office to post pictures)

Week Three- October 19-25
Feeling Great at Play

join a book club
have a photo contest

remember your stretch breaks
play some disk golf

games and challenges
riddle me well

Week Four- October 26-31
Feeling Great Giving Back

share your book collection

blood donation "In honor of John Reed"
start a community clean-up

organize a Healthy Workplace Initiative